
Problems 1-8

Complete problems covering topics from Chapter 2 (use either document format; Clearly show work; Typed work is preferred):

Problem 9

Consider adding 2-digit binary numbers, $A$ and $B$ to produce the 2-bit result, $S$ and a carry-out, $C$:

A 1 A 0 + B 1 B 0 C S 1 S 0


Develop the truth table and sum-of-products equations for adding the two, 2-bit numbers and produce the 3-bits of the result.

UPDATE (Sept. 17):

  • Be sure to do the full sum-of-products equation (no minimization)
  • Use the “three layer logic” of invertors, ANDs, and ORs. The propagation delay should be 25 units of time.


Install JLS if you haven’t already.

Download and work in this JLS starter: hw2_92.jls


  • Think carefully about the structure of the truth table and the terms being used for each output.
  • Some product terms can be reused for different outputs.
  • JLS has parts called named wires. Named wires can be used to organize your work and re-use common terms. Named wires have two parts: the source (“name a wire” is shown when you hover over the named wire part on the menu) and connections (connect to a named wire). You can use more than one of the connect to a named wire part to have a single wire connect multiple places without having a literal wire (line) running across the diagram. If you use named wires, try to name them with a name that describes their purpose.
  • Some wires and parts have already been provided. They are intended to provide one tidy approach to laying out the circuit.
  • This circuit uses multi-bit inputs and separates them into their individual bits ($A_0$, $A_1$, etc.) for you. Test signal values can be specified in decimal rather than binary. For example, $A$ can be 0, 1, 2, or 3. When A is 2 its individual bits, $A_1$ and $A_0$, are 1 and 0 respectively. The bits of $S$ are combined into a single, 2-bit output, which doesn’t include $C$.
  • Carefully think about test cases. A signal generator has already been provided.
  • DO NOT change the names of either input or output ports. The Autograder depends on them being named as-is.


You will need to submit your assignment via Gradescope. Part of the submission process will require you to indicate where your work is for each individual problem. Please:

There are two distinct Gradescope assignments listed for the two parts that need to be submitted: one for questions 1-9.1 and another for question 9.2, the JLS file, which will be “autograded”.