
The exam covers Modules 1-4A, which correspond to Chapters 1-4.4 of the text book. The emphasis (>=90% of the focus) will be on Chapters 1-3.


  • Paper-based Exam
    • There will be a mix of question styles: multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, written/short essay/explanation, and problem solving.
  • Expected to take about 60 minutes, but the full 80 minute class time will be given (those with accommodations will have time adjusted proportionally.  2x time = 160 minutes. If possible, coordinate with Disability Resources to have the exam proctored)
  • The exam will focus on concepts and basic understanding. 

Crib Sheet / Sage Page

A crib sheet is allowed, however it must:

  • Be hand written.  No electronic copies / shrinking print / etc.
  • Be less than or equal to half of a single side of letter size paper (8 inches by 5.75 inches of area)


A non-exhaustive list of topics includes:

  • Number Representations
    • Binary
      • Bytes/Nybbles
      • Unsigned
      • Sign/Magnitude
      • Two’s Complement
        • Addition and negation
    • Decimal
    • Hexadecimal
    • Conversions to/from/between different representations
  • Logic Gates
    • All basic gates (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, etc.)
  • Truth Tables
    • What they are, where/how/why/when to use them.
  • Boolean Equations
    • Notation / meaning
    • Sum-of-Products Form / Minterms
    • Translation to Gates or from Gates to Equations
    • Basic manipulation and simplification of questions
  • Combinational Logic
    • Propagation Delay ($t_{pd}$ )
    • Contamination Delay ($t_{cd}$)
    • Concepts of glitches/hazards
  • Simplification via Karnaugh Maps
  • Larger Combinational Logic Building Blocks
    • Multiplexers
    • Decoders
  • Sequential Elements
    • SR Latch behavior
    • D Latch behavior
    • D flip flop behavior
  • Finite State Machines
    • State diagrams
    • Next State and Output Tables
    • State Encodings
  • D Flip Flop Timing Considerations (and impact on Finite State Machines)
  • Be able to explain some differnces between VHDL and Verilog
  • Given an piece of example code in Verilog or VHDL, be able to describe how it will behave
  • Given an piece of example code in Verilog or VHDL, be able to provide a digital logic circuit with equivalent behavior

Preparation / Problem Styles

The following are a non-exhaustive list of some types of questions that may be present on the exam:

  • Be able to convert between number representations, like decimal to binary
  • Be able to demonstrate basic math (addition and negation) on unsigned and two’s complement numbers
  • Be able to translate a problem description into a table suitable for creating a sum-of-products equation
  • Be able to translate a table into sum-of-products equations
  • Be able to explain the common elements and process needed to convert a problem description into a combinational logic circuit
  • Be able to translate a problem description into boolean algebra equations
  • Be able to create boolean algebra equations for a given digital logic schematic
  • Be able to show the output wave form that will result from given inputs to latches or flip-flops
  • Be able to convert truth tables to equations and circuits and circuits to equations and truth tables
  • Be able to analyze logic for propagation delay
  • Be able to compare/contrast different implementations of combinational circuits in their complexity and potential space use vs. computation time.
  • Be able to compare/contrast different choices for state representation
  • Be able to describe metastability

Recommended Review

  • Assigned Reading
  • Posted slides and examples
  • Studio activities
  • Homework
  • Author’s videos and posted “Extra” videos