
The remote CodeSpace (either via a web browser or VS Code’s CodeSpaces Extension) is convenient, but it requires a webconnection and is running on a two core machine — your personal machine may be faster.


This may take 2-3G of local space to install all the required tools, etc.


  1. Install Docker Desktop.
  2. Start Docker
  3. Install VSCode
  4. Run VSCode.
  5. Install the DevContainers Extension (follow that link, click on Install, etc.)
  6. Clone the repository locally and open it. See: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/sourcecontrol/intro-to-git
  7. After cloning the repository, you should be asked if you’d like to reopen it in a Dev (Developmer) Container. Answer yet. It will then download appropriate resources and reopen. This may take several minutes.